Sunday 30 May 2021

Stoopid Meds

So, for complex reasons, I wasn't able to take my medication last night. Often when this happens I'll sleep unusually well, and feel a bit over sensitive the following day. This morning though, I had an almighty nightmare that just won't leave me alone.

It was incredibly intricate and detailed, as mine usually are. There was stuff about moving into new flats, and My ex husband's parents moving someone into the same building, and my flat being burnt down, and my parents were in it but I can't remember why, and the was a shop that I was in with a friend but I'm not sure.

In part of the dream that seems to be blocked from me now remembering the actual details, I was raped. By the same person that did it to me in real life in 2015. 

The dream was then kind of about seeing him everywhere, and him taunting me that no-one will ever believe me; and then for some reason I was shopping with him, buying him greetings cards that I was kind of using in a passive aggressive way to show him that he was a nasty person. 

I can see the expression on his face. I'd forgotten what he looked like really, and especially forgotten the snide, smug, expressions he makes. I don't want to see it again. I want them to go away.

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