Sunday 13 June 2021

Le Journal Des Rêves

It's been a while since I've had one of my psychedelic dreams. But here's a puzzler...

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I'm not sure how the dream started. The first bit I remember was that I had gone out for an evening with one of my flatmates from university. In the dream I had gone out to spite my parents, but I'm not sure if I just knew that, or whether there's a bit of dream that I'm not remembering.

Most of the dream was set around a particular building. We'd gone to London, to a bar that was in a grand Victorian building that was on the corner of a street, with thick pavements outside and a row of bus stops. The bar was big but quiet, a few pairs of patrons dotted around.

We approached the bar. My Flatmate held up his finger and told me just a minute, before disappearing through a pair of big doors by the entrance. I ordered myself a beer (🤷🏻‍♀️). For some reason I was carrying a silver tankard that I'd bought somewhere. I asked the bar tender if they thought it was clean enough to drink from, tilted the tankard towards them to show them the dusty innards, to which I received a firm no. So I kind of shrugged to myself and drank the beer from the glass. I drank the whole beer; that's never gonna happen in real life!

As I finished, people started streaming into the bar from the double doors my flatmate had gone through. This is when I realised that the bar was attached to a theatre. The bar became full and claustrophobic, and I couldn't see whether my flatmate was in there or not, so I went to wait outside where there were people milling about the bus stops.

I appeared to have two phones in my pockets, but couldn't work out which one was mine. I somehow accidentally ended up phoning Sacha Baron Cohen, though thankfully he didn't answer. 

One of the ladies at the bus stop said to me that she hated swinging. Puzzled, I asked her why she was telling me this, so she explained that the people hanging around the bus stops were there to meet up for swinging. I pondered to myself why she was there if she didn't like it.

We were then pushed apart from each other by people with those red position rope things, who were preparing a route up the middle of the pavement for a parade. I noticed that I was suddenly surrounded by women in beautiful sarees, adorned with stunning jewellery, who were lining the parade route keenly waiting to see someone who turned out to be a prince. He was single, so many of the women were simpering, begging him to choose them. He was a massive fella, naked, being carried on a very low stretcher. Many of his entourage were also naked, though thankfully I saw no male appendages. The non naked entourage looked like the writers of Disney's Aladdin had dressed them.

As the parade disappeared up the way, I realised that because I'd been facing the theatre / bar building I'd not been paying attention to what was happening behind me. They're was a lot of hooting and tyre screeching going on. As I turned around it seemed that three buses were trying to fit into the space of one, at the same bus stop. I jumped backwards as one came on to the pavement, behind the bus stop. Wendy, the lady who'd talked to me about swinging hopped on to the corner as it passed by. Not knowing what else to do, I scampered after her, following the bus on foot. There was a big crowd of us doing this. The lady next to me was a really short lady who'd been standing near me during the parade. She was very chatty, calling me by my birth name. I asked her how she knew my name. She hung her head and said she'd given herself away. She said she was following me because she wanted to know about the person her husband was having an affair with. I then had to persuade her that she'd got the wrong person, but it was interesting that she had the right name.

She slumped down on the ground, leaning against a huge wooden sign, and started scrolling through her phone. I realised that the sign was for a fair associated with the parade, and that we'd been separated by the bus followers, ending up in a park where this fair was taking place. Looking around myself I realised I was surrounded by fun rides and general fair things, but that they all had a Hindu / Buddhist theme to them. I asked myself how I'd ended up there again, and left.

I realised that someone had pick pocketed me, taking my money, so I headed to the station. As I got there it occurred to me that they'd also taken my train ticket home. I went to a guard to explain this to them, hoping that they might be able to look up who purchased what and allow me on a train. He took me aside though, telling me he'd take me to the right person to sort it out, leading me into corridors and tunnels that the public don't usually see. He told the fella that he'd taken me to that I'd been robbed, someone had taken my money, my phones, hacked my bank account, and some other stuff, while I was stood by unable to interrupt and correct him. All I wanted was my ticket home.

As with the beginning of the dream, I can't quite remember the end. There was something about being in a car that became stuck alongside a caravan in the car park of a church, but I'm not sure how I got there, or how I escaped.

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