Saturday 5 June 2021

Laisse-Moi Tranquille

I've had it. Seriously, I've just had enough. The fucking DWP have decided that I'm perfectly well and don't need any disability money. They scored me zero on every single aspect. I must be cured, hurrah, I can't wait to tell my doctors, to go get a job, start a family, live a normal life.... Oh wait.

Here's the thing. I applied for Change of Circumstances two years ago, because I had become a lot more ill. They've messed me around no end since this application.

Hypothetically, I could have made a new application for PIP instead, even though I was already receiving it. To anyone who's thinking of applying for Change of Circumstances, I encourage you to make the new application, instead. Supposedly, you can continue with the original claim if the new one messes up. Supposedly.

Since I made the application for CoC they've scored me zero twice, but they reinstate it upon mandatory reconsideration. At one time they discontinued the PIP because I supposedly didn't attend the assessment at my home; that their assessor couldn't find, so he didn't turn up They have also accused me of not attending a phone assessment that they didn't give me time to answer; honestly, I had the phone in my hand, it rang once and stopped.

Every time they discontinue the money, I have to then contact all the companies I'm supposed to be paying direct debits to, explain the situation, and hope that PIP will be reinstated so that I can pay the debts that build up.

And that's the idea isn't it; to stress people out so much that we'll be grateful to receive the lower rate, even though we qualify for the higher rate.

The PIP I receive (or was receiving) pays for my therapy, osteopathy, chiropracty. It pays for me to have things delivered, since I can't go out to get stuff. It also pays most of my bills, though the DWP argue that people aren't supposed to use it to pay bills, as it's intended to help with needs caused by the disability. I do receive ESA, too, but literally half of the ESA goes on council tax alone. So.... 🤷🏻‍♀️

At the moment I'm also on the lesser rate of ESA. My intention has been to get PIP sorted out before trying to sort out ESA, as losing both at the same time would be absolutely detrimental. However, the two year wait before I can sort it out is kind of getting on my nerves.

I've been ill since I was 22. When I was first ill the DWP told me I'd have to live on loans. So I did to start with. Eventually someone put me straight, I made claims, and paid off those loans. Since making that first claim though I've been messed around over and over and over. 

The DWP never make it easy. I understand that they wish to avoid benefit fraud, though given that such fraud is less than 2%, I often wonder whether it's worth punishing all the legitimate claimants. I also often wonder whether the rate of suicide they cause is higher than the rate of fraud. The fact that the amount of legitimate potential claims that go unclaimed is A LOT more than is lost to fraud, should be taken into account; as too should the fact that the amount lost to clerical error is higher than the amount of fraud. Seriously, why can't they clear up their own backyard before pooping all over everyone else's?

It baffles me that any Decision Maker can look at cases from people who have been ill with progressive or chronic illnesses for decades, and decide that there is no evidence that the person is ill. In my case, now, they do have fresh evidence from within the last few months, but they seem to think they don't. Previous claims, in cases of illnesses that do not go away, however, should be considered as evidence.

And so yeah, I'm fed up, I'm stressed, and since I've been bordering suicidal for a while already, this really isn't helping. I just want a break. I'd like a few years whereby my adrenaline isn't being constantly triggered, during which I can receive therapy to sort my stupid brain out, and learn routines that will help me live some kind of orderly life. But with the idiotic chaos of my finances caused by idiots in government who have no idea at all what it's like on the breadline, that's never going to happen.

It comes to something when your American therapist knows how awful the DWP are!

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