Friday 16 July 2021

Être Vide

One of my therapy assignments this week is to write a poem about what we've been doing; that is trying to teach my mind to feel emotions in the present. Well, poetry doesn't always go according to plan. This has been going around my head, stopping me from sleeping. So here it is...

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   being blank can feel like being a kite,
   way up high in the sky,
   looking down at the every day people,
   who seem to be so far far away.

   being blank can feel like being a big lump of rock
   plonked in the middle of a town square
   where people ignore you
      walk around you
      urinate against you
      use you as a prop
   definitely don't notice you.

   being blank feels like being suffocated
   an opaque plastic bag tied over your head
   the more you try to breathe, the less air there is
   you can see the world carrying on by
   no one caring that you're dying.

And yet, sometimes...
   being blank can be a blessed relief
   from the every day people
   from the people walking by
   from the people using you,
      treating you like crap,
      not noticing you
   from the people suffocating you.

   being blank is easier.

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