Tuesday 20 July 2021

Les Sentiments D'aujourd'hui

Mostly anxiety this morning. From knowing that I had to go stuff involving a police station, a taxi, and making phone calls. I hate phone calls. I phoned the nice taxi company I discovered a while ago, so a familiar face was reassuring. The police lady who helped me was really nice, for which I was grateful; but her two colleagues were really rude. They made my feel judged, embarrassed, and randomly guilty.

Before any of that though, I spent a little time with the kitties. The cat that came in at the weekend really appreciated a cuddle. We found that he has really really bad teeth though, which is heartbreaking. It means he's in pain and has probably been in pain for a long time, but also means that he's at risk. I feel sick thinking about it.

While I was waiting for the taxi, my staff member friend told me that Mixson and Button have been reserved, being picked up on Saturday. I'm going to cuddle then as much as possible for the rest of the week. I'm sad, as I love Mixson so much, but I'm glad he's going to have a good home, and that they'll be together. I need to their my attention into other kitties. Probably mine.

This afternoon I've basically been asleep. I heard from one of the people I used to volunteer with at that stupid shop. It was really weird hearing from him out of the blue, yet somehow didn't feel like it had been two years. So we had a nice chat through the rest of the day. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Kind of awkward I suppose. Wary.

I've slept through most of this evening, too. I think maybe I got sun stroke yesterday. A rather memorable portion of the evening though, was the storm. It went from literally the hottest day this year, to hailing marbles. The kittens were terrified. I quite enjoyed it though. I like the sound of rain. I was kind of amused by the paths suddenly being flooded. And then annoyed that my shoes got soaked.

- anxious
- reassurance
- judged
- embarrassed
- guilty
- heart breaking
- "sick"
- awkward
- wary
- sad
- glad
- appreciation
- amused
- annoyed

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