Sunday 11 July 2021

Un Rêve Fou!

You know when you wake up and you're going about your business, when suddenly you get an image flash in your mind of a dream you had the previous night? Yeah, that just happened. I'm still piecing it together, but seems like it was a crazy one.

As is often the way with dream memories, I can't remember quite how we arrived at the part that I do remember. 

So, there's this group of American-marine type macho guys. They've been given suped up strength and stuff by this kinda cyborg woman.

I don't remember whether they were good or bad, or how they were influencing society, but I do remember that the general feeling towards them was negative. You avoided them if you could.

There's a portion of the dream missing whereby I ended up mixed up with them. A few of my friends did too, but they disappeared from my dream.

We were in an underpass when the macho guys told me to stand against a wall. I was confused. Then these big metal walls came up out of the ground on either side of me, boxing me in. Two of the macho fellas stood against the wall with me. Suddenly the wall opposite came rushing towards us. I thought it would crush us, but it didn't. The thoughts were in slow motion, as the wall then repeatedly rushed towards us, crushing us against the wall. Yet not.

When it stopped, the guys excitedly explained that the reason the crushing didn't crush me was because I'd been turned into one of them. They asked how I'd found it, how scared I'd been, to which I responded that I'd wished I'd put my feet properly against the wall behind me at the beginning, as every time the wall in front rushed at me my heels were being banged against it. They were a little disappointed that I hadn't poohed myself or something.

So, I was taken to their lodgings place, where we all kind of hung around in their room waiting for... 🤷🏻‍♀️ It was kind of stinky and very boring.

After a little bit I started feeling unwell so asked if I could lie down on one of the fellas beds. Things were getting weird, like I was experiencing my environment as if someone was pressing fast forward, rewind, pause, fast forward, pause, etc. I tried explaining it to them but they ignored me.

I started to panic, so tried to run from the room. I discovered that most of the windows had bars on them, and noticed that it was raining outside.

At some point I realised that the cyborg woman was now a part of me. You'd think I'd object but I didn't, I realised that I could use her powers, since she was obviously more powerful than the macho guys.

Some woman who was on my side showed me an unbarred window and opened it for me. I climbed out, and using the cyborg woman's powers I turned the rain into a super cube electric highway that I could escape along in the form of electric cube energy.

As you do!

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