Saturday 17 July 2021

Les Sentiments d'Aujourd'hui

Well, lil but of guilt for not doing journal for the last couple of days; but also a bit of smug for having done the poem already.

I've had some lovely cat time today, which has made me feel affectionate, a bit happy, and grateful that they're in my life. 

I spent quite a while discussing, by email, our living situation, with someone I've chatted to a bit before via Twitter. This lead me to feeling anxious, but also conscientious, and grateful again, that someone is confirming my feelings and thoughts. So, validated, too, I suppose.

Blob took me to the beach early this afternoon. Took us an hour to drive the 9 flipping miles. I guess I got irritated at that. Got to the beach, there was a decapitated young seal there which was really off putting. I started burning within about ten minutes, so we left. It was short lived, but I really enjoyed being in the sun and by the sea. Grossed out by the seal though.

Satisfying nap this afternoon. Finished watching Gavin and Stacey, which was a relief, as I really didn't get why everyone raves about it. So that's confusion I think.

I actually can't remember what I've been doing for the last few hours. Rob's kids were dumped on us at the last moment - this irritates me, and that makes me feel guilty. I like the kids being here, but I like a bit of warning. 

So I'm sleeping downstairs. I'll sleep with the doors open so I can hear the night sounds and dawn chorus. This always makes me feel kind of authentic and like I'm closer to home (I've no idea what that emotion is though). I'm looking forward to going to sleep.

So, in summary, that's;
- guilt
- smug
- affectionate
- happy
- grateful
- anxious
- conscientious
- validated
- irritated
- enjoyment
- grossed out
- satisfied
- relieved
- confused
- authentic
- anticipation

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