Friday 9 July 2021

Les Sentiments d'Aujourd'hui

Therapy homework: emotions journal.

Today has been pretty positive. I've been motivated to do stuff instead of sleeping all day. Though that motivation was towards selfish activities rather than constructive activities. 

I should be writing a document to send towards my PIP Mandatory Reconsideration. I've written a lot of it, but today thinking about doing so made me feel physically sick, which I think is anxiety.

Kittens made me feel all melty again. It's a kind of maternal loving feeling. I hate the word "maternal" though, so want to try and find an alternative word.

This evening I've been kind of bored. I'm no less motivated, but I've run out of steam for today. I'm still only part way through binge watching Friends, but am getting kind of irritated by it. On the other hand it's triggering creative thoughts, in that I keep trying to imagine a modern day version of Friends.

I've noticed also, that whatever else is doing on, I always seem to have this background feeling of slight sadness. It's a similar feeling to when you're on the edge of tears, but it's like it's sat just behind me.

So, today I've recognised: positivity, motivation, selfishness, anxiety, kitten-loviness, boredom, irritability, creativity, sadness.

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