Monday 19 July 2021

Les Sentiments d'Aujourd'hui

I know I wrote yesterday's post this morning, but I'm so knackered that I can't remember doing it. I often find I know things, but can't remember them. That makes no sense to me.

So, let's see, what can I actually remember 🤔

Ah yes, I went to help the member of staff with whom I'm friends, only to find she isn't in on Mondays. I often make this mistake. So, in order to not look as stupid as I felt I went and sat in ISO with the cat that was brought in on Saturday. There was blood on the floor of his pen, he was hunched in the corner, didn't make a peep, just stared at me. He allowed me to stroke his head after I'd sat quietly in there for a while, but growled when I moved my hand to his neck. Seeing him in such a state is heartbreaking, and makes me feel helpless because I'm so powerless to do anything. I wish I ran this place.

I felt fairly ok this morning, so started making another mobile to go outside ISO. I fell asleep part way through, but woke up and finished it. I like completing projects, it gives me a sense of accomplishment. I don't know the word for how I feel when I'm working on a project. Involved? Absorbed? Content? Amused?

I spent a while being annoyed at Blob for yesterday's antics, but being annoyed is too much hard work. I had a good moan to the Tick Doctor about it all. Vented my frustration and desperation. There's another feeling there, but again, I can't put my finger on what it is.

I enjoyed kitten time this evening. They're all naughty little scamps. They'd make me laugh if I had the energy.

I'm exhausted, so I'm going to sleep early.

Today's emotions;
- embarrassed
- sad
- helpless
- powerless
- accomplished
- annoyed
- frustration
- desperation
- amused
- exhausted

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